Adam and Lee

Fandom: East of Eden
Ship: Adam/Lee
Word Count: 482
Warnings: None

For a time Lee tried to stimulate Adam to awareness, but Lee was a busy man. He cooked, cleaned, and took care of the twins. However, when he could find the time, Lee would creep into the parlor to watch his employer or change his bandages. His face was always void of expression, and it was as though the wounded man didn't know Lee was there. This didn't stop Lee from enjoying the time he spent taking care of his master. He understood himself well enough to know that he enjoyed having someone to take care of, but he could also feel a calmness come over him as his busy day washed away. He didn't know if Adam listened or not, but he spoke gently to him as his slender fingers pressed clean bandages to his shoulder.

"Mr. Tlask boys fight so much when they barely even walk," Lee chattered in his pidgin, despite Adam's lack of response. "The big one pick up stick today and-"


Lee was shocked to hear Adam address him so suddenly. He had barely spoken since the day Cathy left, and when he did, his words were kept as short as possible. An order here and there: "Tea." "I'm not hungry." "Take them away." He had spoken no more than necessary, and he certainly hadn't moved very much. Lee looked up slowly as he felt Adam's much larger fingers slide over his own and grip his hand tightly.

"No more about the boys."

"Of course, Mr. Tlask," Lee whispered.

"Thank you."

Adam's hand left Lee's and Lee sighed sadly as the vacant expression returned to his face. He knew Adam didn't want to hear about the twins because this reminded him of Cathy, but he couldn't punish them for their mother's sin. Lee finished tying off the bandage and left with a slightly indignant air to his stride. That whore was still all he thought of, and Lee knew that she always would be. How could he be so in love with someone he had never even been able to properly see? Lee knew more about the monster than Adam did.

Lee closed the kitchen door and stared at his domain. The boys were taking their nap, and he had no desire to continue the cleaning he had been preoccupied with prior to his brief conversation with Adam. Somehow each time he spoke, it only managed to bring Lee grief. There was no reason his thoughts of Cathy should bring him pain, but it did. Lee hurried across the room after a moment of holding onto that hollow feeling, took the broom in his hand, and attempted to distract himself from anymore thoughts of Adam. Maybe he would have a talk with Samuel. Maybe he could do something for Adam that Lee couldn't.