
Fandom: As Told By Ginger
Ship: Courtney/Ginger
Word Count: 537
Warnings: None

“Courtney this obsession you have with Ginger Foutley is getting weird,” Miranda sneered. 
“I don’t know what you mean,” Courtney replied, continuing to run the brush through her hair. “I simply think she’s a diamond in the rough. And someone needs to take her under their wing. Who better than me?”
Miranda rolled her eyes as Courtney held a disinterested and nonchalant expression. Her eyes remained fixed on her own reflection, completely avoiding Miranda. Miranda crossed her arms and sat heavily on Courtney’s bed. 
“Well, because I’m the best of course. Really, Miranda, what a silly question.”
“No, really Courtney, why?” 
Courtney set her brush down on the vanity and frowned as she stared at Miranda’s reflection. 
“What are you trying to say Miranda?”
“Oh, please, Courtney, you know what I’m implying. Don’t play dumb with me. I know every innocent, oblivious face you got, sister.”
Courtney turned to face Miranda at last, gripping the back of her chair.
“I must say Miranda, I’m feeling very attacked right now. If you have something to say, just say it.”
“You’ve got the hots for Ginger Foutley and you know it.”
Courtney’s hands rose to her face to frame the shock there before balling into fists.
“Really, Miranda! I-I-”
“Save the outrage, Courtney,” Miranda sighed. “We really don’t have the time for it. You’ve got a party to host. And a special guest to see to.”
Miranda gave her a devious smirk and Courtney lowered her hands back to the chair. 
“Well…how long have you known?” she consented, looking sheepish.
Miranda’s signature cackle erupted and Courtney looked back up at her with irritation written all over her face.
“Oh, please, girlfriend. Don’t tell me you thought you were good at hiding it.”
“Well..I…it’s not funny Miranda!”
The brush flew through the air and Miranda just dodged it as it hit the bed beside her. Her eyes narrowed dangerously and Courtney gasped.
“Watch it!”
“Oh, Miranda, I’m sorry. I don’t know what came over me.”
Miranda could see she was genuinely apologetic. Her mask had been completely dissolved and without it, Miranda knew Courtney damn near had panic attacks. She sighed and relaxed.
“Look, I don’t care if you like girls, Courtney. But why, of all the girls in school, did you have to pick Ginger Foutley. You know she drives me crazy.”
“I don’t know, Miranda,” Courtney replied, blushing lightly with a gentle smile. “She’s just so…real.”
“Ugh.” Miranda threw her head back as she let out the exasperated sound. “You have terrible taste in women.”
“My taste in everything is impeccable. You know this, Miranda.”
“Yeah, well, everyone makes mistakes.”
“Just promise you’ll be nice to Ginger tonight, please?”
“How about I promise to stay away from her instead? Make us both happy.”
The two girls smiled at each other and Courtney resumed getting ready for her party, secure in the fact that Miranda would always be her best friend. Being popular, others often saw them as backstabbing and opportunistic and it wasn’t as if they hadn’t had their share of tiffs. But moments like this showed Courtney how much Miranda would endure for their friendship. If she could tolerate Ginger, she’d stick with her through anything.