
Fandom: Kim Possible (Disney)
Character: Shego
Word Count: 853
Warnings: None

There was a full moon shining brightly over Go City with an accompaniment of stars twinkling across the dark canvas. The light such heavenly orbs gave off made the nearby flickering streetlamp quite unnecessary. Everyone else in the city appeared to be asleep. Everyone but the young woman sitting on a worn swing in an abandoned park. Her wavering black hair spilled down her back in ripples that over time had become less refined. She placed her bare feet against the sand and watched as they shone green in the dim light. She sighed, pushed off slowly and with a bitter frown she turned her bright green eyes to the sky.

She watched the heavens with a mixture of awe and rage. The heavens had taken away her parents after all. Yet the stars still held beauty unmatched and she could never gaze upon them with pure hatred. Remorse, however, was a different story all together. She still felt the pain even now and so many years had passed. She was almost nineteen now. She should have been over it. The others had moved on but hatred still burned in her heart. Did it yet burn in the others' as well? Were they simply hiding such emotions from her?

She let her head fall, hanging it limply as she pushed herself back and forth lazily. She couldn't help but feel it was wrong to harbor such bitterness for so long. She could feel it festering in her everyday and yet she seemed to welcome the feeling. Sometimes that was what scared her the most. The acceptance. The acceptance that this was who she was. It wasn't who she was. She had to continue to reassure herself of this fact every time she took the time to think about it. But perhaps it was becoming her. Perhaps she was becoming it. Bitter...

"Shego." a nasally voice echoed out of the silence. "Hego wants you back at the Tower."

"I'll be back later." she whispered in return.

"When?" Mego demanded.

"When I feel like it."

Mego eyed the back of his sister's head as she continued to swing slowly. She didn't seem to be doing well lately and he had never made it a habit to notice other people's feelings. If it was apparent to him then he could only imagine how obvious it was to Hego and the twins. He put a hand to his hip and stared at her in silence for a moment. She didn't say anything more but he knew she would know when he had gone. He turned with a brief glance behind him and disappeared into the night. She would come home when she was ready and far be it for him to bother himself with trying to convince her to do so any sooner. If Hego wanted her in after dark that badly he could come out into the cold and argue with her.

Shego could feel Mego's presence disappear from behind her and peeked over her shoulder sadly as she watched him go. She vaguely wondered if he could tell how she was feeling. She often wondered if any of them could relate to the emotions that ravaged her mind in the night when there was no one to fight. She didn't enjoy her life. She hadn't enjoyed a single day of it since the accident all those years ago. She lifted a hand to watch a small green flame dance in her palm. This couldn't make her happy but it was all that she had now.

She stood and dropped her arm with a sad sigh. It hung limply by her side as did the other. She could feel a strange distaste fill her as she raised her eyes to stare out over the city she fought to protect. Did they deserve it? She often found herself asking such questions. Were they worth it? Did they appreciate her? Did they care? Of course she knew the answer. To most of them she didn't even existence. To the ones that acknowledged her efforts she was a given. They took her and her brothers for granted. Her life was not her own anymore. She didn't belong to this city! It wasn't her responsibility! This had all been Hego's idea from the beginning! She had never wanted this servitude!

A flash of green lit up the darkness around her as she turned suddenly and attacked the swing set she had been sitting upon moments ago. She obliterated it with one shot but that did not seem to satisfy her anger. She reared both fists back and slammed them into the ground. As the ground broke and chunks of earth blew away from her she felt a surge of enjoyment. She stood before the hole she had created and laughed for the first time in a long, long time. It was a strained laughter that found her raising her powerful hands to her eyes. The destruction did not truly make her happy but it gave her a thrill very akin to happiness. And that thrill was all she had left.